Apple releases iOS 13.5.1 with security fixes, breaks recent Unc0ver jailbreak – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/ZDNet

Apple on Monday released iOS 13.5.1 for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. The release notes only mention security updates, and the update itself was 77.5MB on my iPhone 11 Pro Max

Shortly after releasing the update, Apple updated its security updates page with more information about what exactly was fixed in today’s update. Jailbreak fans will be disappointed to learn, Apple has already patched the exploit that is used by the Unc0ver jailbreak. 

Jailbreaking an iPhone gives users root access to the entire iPhone OS, allowing them to install tweaks and other apps outside of Apple’s App Store. 

The Unc0ver jailbreak was released on May 24 and was the first exploit that worked on a current version of iOS in the last few years. 

Apple didn’t mention any other bug fixes, performance improvements, or security updates included with iOS 13.5.1. 

If you’ve used the Unc0ver tool to jailbreak your iOS device, installing iOS 13.5.1 will remove it and block you from jailbreaking it again. 

Did you jailbreak your Apple device last week? If so, why? What are you installing or doing with a jailbroken iPhone that you can’t do on a standard iPhone? I’m genuinely curious, as I haven’t used a jailbreak on any iOS device in several years.

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AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (