Category: 4K

How to watch porn for free on your iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Even though there aren’t any porn apps in the App Store, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to conveniently get porn on your iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV via other means. And in many cases you can even do so for free. So if you’re interested, and hey we aren’t here to judge, follow along!

Before we begin, I’ll take a second to mention that you can enable private browsing on your iPhone or iPad so no one can see what you’ve been up to. It’s a good idea if you’re using an iPad or another device that other people have access to. If you aren’t sure how to do so, you can follow our guide.

Save big on these VPN services ahead of Black Friday

How to watch porn on your iPhone and iPad with mobile Safari

  1. Launch Safari on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. At this point, enable private browsing if you’d like to using the guide above.
  3. Type in the address bar iPhone porn or iPad porn and hit Go.
  4. You will immediately be bombarded with search results for all kinds of porn sites.

As for recommendations and picking one, it’s really up to you but crowd favorites seem to be some of the sites listed below. And by all means, share your favorites in the comments as well!

  • Pornhub
  • YouPorn
  • Xshare
  • RedTube

How to stream porn from your iPhone or iPad to your Apple TV

  1. From your iPhone or iPad, follow the directions in the previous section and start playing the video of you’re liking.
  2. Now tap on the AirPlay icon in the in the bottom right corner.
  3. In the popup menu, tap on the name of your Apple TV.
  4. That’s all there is to it, your porn should now start streaming to the big screen.

If you don’t see your Apple TV when trying to AirPlay content, be sure your iPhone or iPad and your Apple TV are on the same wireless network.

How do you watch porn on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV?

Like I said earlier, we aren’t here to judge and if you’ve got tips on watching porn on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV, be sure to leave them in the comments. Do you have a favorite site or do you use different ones? Let us know that too!

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You can’t use your Apple Card on Amazon anymore and nobody knows why

Apple Card users are finding that they can no longer use their card when buying things from Amazon.
AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Apple TV 3 Jailbreak – HotstickyBun – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

For almost over a year now Apple has had their latest version of their small media player on the market and while still useful the extendability of it isn’t as good as their previous model thanks in large part to the hacking community. The ability alone to install XBMC on the ATV2 is what led me to it initially but since the latest version has hit the market an Apple TV 3 Jailbreak has been non existent. Having since moved onto Google TV I decided to take one last look into the ATV3 and seen some interesting news.


For all intents and purposes the ATV3 is a capable device of streaming media online and through your “Airplay”, with 1080 support and the ability to watch whatever on whichever iOS device you own it’s a nice bonus. Still having been a big supporter of XBMC over the last decade I missed having that software (or any for that matter) capable of being on my ATV3 device. When I searched the other day I was surprised to see all the top page rankings being dominated about the news of an Apple TV 3 Jailbreak.

My initial shock was to see dozens of sites reporting on the upcoming release for a jailbreak mentioning it’s about to be released around the start of February. Having been fairly surprised solely on the fact that a lot of the “experts” had said they’re doubtful it will happen I decided to dig a little deeper. Fortunately I found what I was looking after going to some more credible sources, that being that all these news sites mentioning an ATV3 jailbreak are reporting false news or at least news with no real confirmation one way or another.

With that said for all those people still endlessly hoping I will tell you this now (as of February 17th, 2013), NO JAILBREAK EXISTS.

It sucks I know, the good news though is there are a handful of different alternatives already available that are better designed on the Android platform. Do yourself a favour and purchase a Pivos Xios, Raspberry Pi, or tackle my list here.

Will We Ever See A ATV3 Jailbreak?

Good question. Truth be told it appears no one really knows for sure. Without getting to technical the basis of the Jailbreak needs an exploit to utilize the remaining absinthe exploits out there. Most other iOS devices have this capability and have an injection vector that gets onto the device with root access. That being said there are a few problems facing the ATV3 which is preventing it from getting Jailbroken.

The biggest problem which has been mentioned numerous times from guys like MuscleNerd is that the attacking surface on the Apple TV 3 is much smaller then other iOS devices. With iPhones and iPads we have more services and processes running then…
AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Apple TV 4 : le jailbreak disponible ! – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Le groupe Pangu honore sa promesse. Le groupe avait annoncé qu’il proposerait d’ici peu un jailbreak pour le boîtier Apple TV de dernière génération. C’est désormais chose faite.

Le jailbreak de l’Apple TV 4 est désormais disponible.

Pour l’instant, il s’agit d’une version dédiée aux développeurs leur offrant un accès SSH avec le retrait des différentes restrictions mises en place par Apple. A termes, cette prouesse permettra très certainement aux utilisateurs avancés d’installer des applications autres que celles validées par le géant à la pomme.

On note qu’un compte développeur Apple est nécessaire pour l’installation de ce jailbreak.

Affaire à suivre…
AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Le jailbreak de l’Apple TV est effectif (MAJ) – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Présenté au début du mois, l’Apple TV fonctionne avec une version adaptée du firmware 4.1 de l’iOS. Or, les membres de iPhone Dev Team travaillent actuellement au déplombage définitif de cette version du système d’exploitation. Et qui pourrait rapidement se répercuter sur le petit boîtier d’Apple.

Mise à jour –les petites mains de l’iPhone Dev Team n’auront pas chômé. L’un des membres de cette équipe, MuscleNerd,annoncé sur Twitterle jailbreak effectif de l’Apple TV.

Il a toutefois nuancé son propos, en expliquant ne pas savoir pour l’instant comment lancer une application sur la version jailbreakée de l’Apple TV. Une vidéo est également disponible (voir en fin d’article).

Sujet du 29 septembre – Début septembre, Apple présentait une nouvelle version de son Apple TV. Bien plus compact que son prédécesseur, le boîtier a été également l’occasion pour Apple de dévoiler sa nouvelle philosophie en matière de contenus audiovisuels.

Alors que le premier Apple TV permettait le stockage grâce à la présence d’un disque dur, ce nouveau modèle met en avant le principe du streaming (payant ou gratuit).

Pour fonctionner, la firme de Cupertino a confirmé que l’Apple TV s’appuie sur une version adaptée de la dernière version de son système d’exploitation mobile, l’iOS 4.1. Preuve en est, Apple a mis en ligne le firmware de l’appareil (.ipsw).

Or, tandis que les premières livraisons de l’Apple TV vont survenir aux États-Unis, les membres de l’équipe iPhone Dev Team ont fait savoir que cette version de l’iOS devrait être très prochainement jailbreakée grâce à la faille « SHAtters ». « Même si la nouvelle Apple TV n’est pas encore dans les foyers, le firmware est disponible sur les serveurs d’Apple et SHAtter a été utilisé pour déchiffrer ses clés ! » ont-ils écrit.

Celle-ci, déjà fonctionnelle avec iPod touch 4G, devrait donc bientôt déplomber l’Apple TV, élargissant par la même occasion les possibilités du boîtier. Par exemple en supportant de nouveaux formats vidéo ou lancer des applications particulières.

Article publié initialement le 1 octobre 2010 et mis à jour le 6 octobre 2017

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Nintendo Ring Fit Adventure : vraiment pour les sportifs ?
AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

‎ par Bouygues Telecom – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Retrouvez toutes vos chaînes TV préférées et profitez d’une qualité d’image exceptionnelle en 4G !

Soyez au rendez-vous de vos programmes TV favoris aussi bien chez vous qu’en déplacement !
Retrouvez à tout moment les services suivants :
• La TV en direct en 4G et en Wi-Fi (1)
• Un guide des programmes TV complet
• Vos programmes en Replay
• Contrôlez le direct et reprenez un programme en cours depuis le début (2)
• Une multitude de Radios et Podcasts
• Compatible avec Chromecast : disponible sur une sélection de chaînes TV
• Pour les clients Bbox Sensation : programmez à distance vos enregistrements TV
• Utilisez votre mobile comme télécommande pour votre décodeur TV Bbox (3)

En cas de problème sur l’application, contactez-nous par mail à l’adresse suivante :
Vous pouvez également signaler un problème en vous rendant dans la rubrique “Aide et contact” de l’application et en sélectionnant “Obtenir de l’aide” puis “Contactez-nous”.

(1) Le service TV est accessible pour les clients Forfaits et Forfaits bloqués Bouygues Telecom, les clients Cartes prépayées Bouygues Telecom, les clients B&You et les clients Bbox. Le visionnage des chaînes TV est inclus dans certaines offres et options. Voir les tarifs et conditions sur La liste des chaînes est susceptible d’évoluer. Service disponible en France métropolitaine en zone de couverture réseau mobile (3G, 4G) ou Wi-Fi.
(2) Le service Lire du début est disponible sur une sélection de chaînes et programmes TV.
(3) Vous devez être connecté en Wi-Fi à votre Bbox pour utiliser la télécommande.

6 oct. 2020

Version 8.58.0

– Sur iOS14, vous pourrez profiter de vos programmes en direct même en dehors de l’application sur iPhone.
– La nouvelle page d’accueil est maintenant disponible sur iPad !
– Cette version corrige aussi des anomalies et améliore la stabilité de l’application.


Vero8264 ,

Contente mais qq bémols

Dès que je l’utilise cette application et quelques fois il faut fermé et rouvrir l’application car en plein milieu y’a une demande d’authentification la barbe surtout quand tu a mis retour arrière de 15 min et que ça a changé d’émission ou de film car après tu peux pas la remettre ou tu en étais car ça a changé de page de film ou d’émission et ça c’est vraiment un problème pour moi j’aimerais tant que Bouygues fasse quelques chose! De plus depuis pas longtemps avec la mise à jour iPhone on a la possibilité d’avoir l’option double écran et écran et avec pourquoi écran noir qui cherche sur iPhone ? Comme ça on pourrait consulter nos messages par exemple tout en regardant son émission préféré ?? Sur d’autres marques de téléphone on peut le faire pour pas iPhone ???? Sinon j’adore l’application elle est facile d’utilisation pour ma part sinon je resterai pas mais en tant qu’abonné Bouygues j’avais quelques remarques à suggérer donc j’espère qu’il vont s’améliorer, merci

ElodieGates ,

Fait son taff
AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Apple TV and Apple Watch Forensics 01: Acquisition – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

While the iPhone is Apple’s bread and butter product, is not the only device produced by the company. We’ve got the Mac (in desktop and laptop variations), the complete range of tablets (the iPad line, which is arguably the best tablet range on the market), the music device (HomePod), the wearable (Apple Watch), and the Apple TV. In today’s article, we are going to cover data extraction from Apple TV and Apple Watch. They do contain tons of valuable data, and are often the only source of evidence.

Acquisition Methods

Generally speaking, there are only three data extraction methods available for the range of Apple devices. Logical extraction (the backup, media files, shared files, crash logs and diagnostic logs) is the most straightforward, albeit somewhat limited method. File system acquisition, while being available for some specific devices and OS versions is the most difficult yet the most advanced method. Cloud acquisition with access to information backed up or synced from all devices sharing the same Apple ID is great, but requires the correct login credentials. Each of these methods produces a different set of data that partly overlap, so we recommend using all of them if you can. Speaking of Apple Watch and Apple TV, the same rules apply.

Apple TV

There are two versions of Apple TV we’ll be discussing here: the Apple TV 4 (recently rebranded Apple TV HD) and Apple TV 4K, the company’s latest effort. From our standpoint, the major difference between the two device is the USB port. While the Apple TV 4 (Apple TV HD) offers a USB Type-C port on the back, the newer Apple TV 4K lacks USB connectivity. The lack of USB connectivity on the newer device requires using specific hardware (a macOS-based PC or laptop) and software (Xcode) to connect.

Apple TV acquisition is somewhat similar to the iPhone except just one thing: there is no backup service on Apple TV. This in turn means that logical acquisition is limited to extracting media files acquisition via the afc protocol. This could be quite a lot as most Apple TV units have iCloud Photos enabled.

There are also good news. First, the Apple TV cannot be protected with a passcode, and there is no need to pair it with a computer in order to extract data. Second, jailbreaks exist for many versions of tvOS, meaning you can capture an image of the file system and decrypt the keychain.

Before you install a jailbreak, make sure to use other such as extracting media files (Photos.sqlite can be pretty useful, as it may contain some information on files that are NOT on that Apple TV):What about the Apple TV jailbreak? You have a choice of at least the following tools covering tvOS 10 through 12.1.1:

tvOS 12.0 – 12.1.1

tvOS 10.0-10.1, 11.0, 11.1

tvOS 11.0-11.4.1

The installation is similar to the process of jailbreaking iOS devices. Assuming your Apple TV runs tvOS 12.0 through…
AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Install Kodi on Apple TV 4, 3 and 2: Detailed Process Tutorial – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Kodi is one of the most popular online media players around. And for good reason. It is one of the most versatile and flexible media players on the market. That means that not only can it play pretty much any file format you can think of, but it can also be run on just about every platform and operating system around.

Kodi can bring all of your media content across different devices together, allowing you to view pictures and videos from your smartphone or tablet on your laptop and so on. For this reason, it has become particularly popular for people who want to view their content on their TV screens.

Installing Kodi on Apple TV

Much has been written about the popularity of Kodi on the Amazon Fire TV Stick, but this is not the only TV device which Kodi can be a great addition to. Another is the Apple TV. Both Apple TV and Kodi are purpose built to optimise media consumption so they are, in that sense the perfect pairing.

However, Apple has always been cautious and controlling over what software it allow users to run on its devices, and because Kodi is a piece of open-source software, which allows users to customize it and create software add-ons, Apple does not permit Kodi a place in its app store.

But that doesn’t mean Kodi and the Apple TV can’t be combined. It just means the process is a little bit more complicated than just downloading an app. But that is what this article is all about.

Quick reminder

When using Kodi, we advise all users to always ensure they have a Virtual Private Network, or VPN, installed. (Editor’s note: do check our review with the best VPNs for Kodi)

A VPN is an online security and privacy tools which encrypts all of your online traffic and reroutes it via an external server. This process helps to protect your online data from hackers or other prying eyes by making sure that everything you do is encrypted, and not just conten on secure sites.

IPVanish is a reputable VPN that works with all Kodi add-ons we have tested.
Our readers are getting an amazing deal. Try it risk free for 7 days; if you like it you can save a massive 60% here on the annual plan.

It also helps to ensure your online privacy by hiding your IP Address (the data which tells a website or service where you are) from the sites you visit and the online services you are using. This in-effect renders VPN users anonymous online.

This is important for Kodi users for two main reasons:

  1. Kodi is open-source (see below section ‘Getting Technical’ for more on this) and therefore you are likely to encounter many unauthorised add-ons. Many of these are perfectly safe, but plenty more are not and with a VPN you are much more likely to keep…
AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

ninoTV: Première application du jailbreak de l’Apple TV! – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Il n’aura pas fallu beaucoup de temps pour jailbreaker l’Apple TV 2 grâce a PwnageTool 4.1 vu ici, et encore moins de temps pour créer la première application! En effet, ninoTV est la première application pour l’Apple TV, et elle a été développé en moins de 24 heures!

Voici ce que vous pouvez faire pour le moment avec ninoTV:

  • Lecteur vidéo…
  • Jouer à la NES, SNES, Genesis, game gear et gameboy
  • Consulation de flux RSS
  • Météo

Oui, ce n’est qu’un début certes, mais si on peut faire tous ça en moins de 24 heures, pour ma part j’attends de voir dans les semaines a venirs

Cliquez sur les liens suivants pour savoir comment l’installer via SSH:

Enjoy nous vous tenons au courant
AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

25 Exciting Things You Can Do With the Apple TV – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

The Apple TV is a smart TV device that you plug into any TV so that you can stream TV and movies, but it is so much more. There are many things that the Apple TV can do in addition to letting you watch Disney+, ESPN+, and Hulu Live TV.

Here are all the exciting things you can do with the Apple TV. You can use all versions of the Apple TV for most of these tasks as the features are similar across all current models. Check out our review of the Apple TV and this guide to help you figure out how much storage you need.

It doesn’t matter if you are a new Apple TV user, a long time fan of the device or simply thinking about buying one and wanting to learn more about what the Apple TV does — there is something on this list for you. If you just added an Apple TV to your setup to cope with being at home more in 2020, this will show you everything you need to get started.

This is what the Apple TV can do.

The Apple TV streams movies, but you can also use it to turn your TV into a digital picture frame, watch NASA, lose weight with workout apps, as a giant display for your laptop or iPhone, and much more.

The Apple TV starts at $149 at Amazon and Best Buy for the 1080P model (but you can get it for $144.99 at B&H Photo), and there is the Apple TV 4K for $179 at Amazon and Best Buy (which is $169.99 at B&H Photo.

If you mainly plan to stream videos and use a few of the features listed but don’t think you will need a lot of apps or games, then you won’t need the added storage.

What Can The Apple TV Do?

The Apple TV can do much more than stream movies and TV shows, and Apple continues to add new features with software updates that upgrade your device for free.

Add HBO, STARZ and More to Your Apple TV

You can use the Apple TV as the center of your entertainment as well as the center of your smart home. From gaming to productivity and workouts there is an almost endless number of things that the Apple TV can do.

In many cases, you can do more on the Apple TV than you can on a Smart TV and it gets better software support over the long run with updates throughout the year. Apple normally releases small updates every few months to fix bugs and then adds in bigger features with updates one or two times each year. The updates are free and come alongside iPhone and iPad updates.

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Here’s a look at…
AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

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AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (