Daily deals Oct. 1; $400 off 16-inch MacBook Pro, $150 off 65-inch TCL TV, $60 Amazon Fire TV Cube, more – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (appletv4jailbreak.com)

Daily deals Oct. 1; $400 off 16-inch MacBook Pro, $150 off 65-inch TCL TV, $60 Amazon Fire TV Cube, more | AppleInsider0}catch(o){}return!1})()&&(n=o[t].pubads())&&n.setTargeting(“admiral-engaged”,”true”)}(c=o[t]=o[t]||{}).cmd=c.cmd||[],typeof c.pubads===n?e():typeof c.cmd.unshift===n?c.cmd.unshift(e):c.cmd.push(e)})(window,”googletag”,”function”);;;!(function(t,n,i,e,o){function a(){for(var t=[],i=0;i0&&o.push(t)}function c(t){if(t&&t.data&&t.source){var e,o=t.source,a=”string”==typeof t.data&&t.data.indexOf(“__tcfapiCall”)>=0;(e=a?((function(t){try{return JSON.parse(t)}catch(n){}})(t.data)||{}).__tcfapiCall:(t.data||{}).__tcfapiCall)&&n[i](e.command,e.version,(function(t,n){var i={__tcfapiReturn:{returnValue:t,success:n,callId:e.callId}};o&&o.postMessage(a?JSON.stringify(i):i,”*”)}),e.parameter)}}!(function f(){if(!window.frames[e]){var n=t.body;if(n){var i=t.createElement(“iframe”);i.style.display=”none”,i.name=e,n.appendChild(i)}else setTimeout(f,5)}})(),o=[],a.v=1,”function”!=typeof n[i]&&(n[i]=n[i]||a,n.addEventListener?n.addEventListener(“message”,c,!1):n.attachEvent&&n.attachEvent(“onmessage”,c))})(document,window,”__tcfapi”,”__tcfapiLocator”);;!(function(n,t,i,u,e,o,r){function a(n){if(n){var u=(n.data||{}).__uspapiCall;u&&t[i](u.command,u.version,(function(t,i){n.source.postMessage({__uspapiReturn:{returnValue:t,success:i,callId:u.callId}},”*”)}))}}!(function f(){if(!window.frames[u]){var t=n.body;if(t){var i=n.createElement(“iframe”);i.style.display=”none”,i.name=u,t.appendChild(i)}else setTimeout(f,5)}})();var s={getUSPData:function(n,t){return n!==1?t&&t(null,!1):t&&t({version:null,uspString:null},!1)}};function c(n,t,i){return s[n](t,i)}c.v=1,”function”!=typeof t[i]&&(t[i]=t[i]||c,t.addEventListener?t.addEventListener(“message”,a,!1):t.attachEvent&&t.attachEvent(“onmessage”,a)),o=n.createElement(e),r=n.getElementsByTagName(e)[0],o.src=”https://fearlessfaucet.com/v2qdvAZxtP523qaRY4KCxOSYwAmXaY_1rIrFP_HNjBl3uh7zPUjvGqzId5qeiFwl5vGhYTiPMQhnymXMYEQ”,r.parentNode.insertBefore(o,r)})(document,window,”__uspapi”,”__uspapiLocator”,”script”);]]>


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Saturday’s best deals include up to 31% off Samsung’s The Terrace outdoor TV, $105 off an xTool laser engraver, up to 35% off eero mesh Wi-Fi 6 systems, and much more.

Every day, AppleInsider searches online retailers to find offers and discounts on items including Apple hardware, upgrades, smart TVs, and accessories. We compile the best deals we find into our daily collection, which can help our readers save money.

If you find any out-of-stock items, you may still be able to order them and enjoy the discount, but get your order at a later time. As Amazon discounts have a limited lifespan, you may want to buy them early before they disappear.

Top deals for October 1

Other top deals, still going strong

Best deals September 30

  • 45mm Apple Watch Series 7 (GPS, Red Aluminum, Red Sport Band): $329 ($100 off) at Amazon
  • Sennheiser Momentum Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones: $249.98 ($150 off) at Best Buy
  • Anker 747 Power Bank (PowerCore 26K for Laptop): $159.99 (20% off) with promo code WS24B12912
  • Neato D9 Intelligent Robot Vacuum: $349.99 ($150 off) at Amazon
  • APC Back-UPS 900VA Battery Back-Up & Surge Protector: $109.99 ($15 off) at Best Buy
  • Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Gen 2 13.3″, Ryzen 5 PRO 5650U, 8GB, 256GB: $599 ($1,220 off) with promo codes THINKANNUAL2022 and THINK30ANNI
  • Nomad Modern Leather Case for AirPods Pro: $35.96 (10% off) with promo code AirPodsCase10
  • Sony BDP-S6700 4K-Upscaling Blu-ray Disc Player with Wi-Fi: $98 ($20 off) at B&H
  • Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine Stainless Steel: $599.95 ($150 off) at Best Buy
  • Epson FastFoto FF-680W Photo Scanner: $499.99 ($100 off) at B&H


Save up to $150 on systems, $30 on AppleCare Save up to $150, plus $40 off AppleCare


September is always Apple’s busiest month, and this time it shook up the Apple Watch, showed the world how the notch should be done, and left last year’s processor in the iPhone 14. Continuity Camera will arrive in macOS Ventura soon, and it includes visual effects to improve background and lighting of live video. Here’s how to use it. Saturday’s best deals include up to 31% off Samsung’s The Terrace outdoor TV, $105 off an xTool laser engraver, up to 35% off eero mesh Wi-Fi 6 systems, and much more. A lifetime Microsoft Office for Mac Home & Business 2021 license is discounted by 86% for a limited time only, delivering the best deal available on the suite of tools for Apple users. Eight years after the iPhone 6 launched in 2014, Apple has added the aged device to its list of vintage products. The next Apple Music Live concert features Billie Eilish and it starts at 10 pm ET on September 30. Here’s how to watch and get exclusive merch. Apple CEO Tim Cook has been traveling around Europe and spoke about his thoughts on augmented reality, saying it will be profound but that virtual reality only has some specific uses. Most of us have mistakenly sent Messages to the wrong person, and all of us have made typing mistakes. Here’s how you can put an end to both of those, on iOS 16. {LINK_TEXT}


200 && $(‘#header-deal-overlay’)) { $(‘#header-deal-overlay’).show(); $(‘#header-deal-overlay’).removeClass(‘doHide’).addClass(‘doShow’); } if( $(window).scrollTop()

AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (appletv4jailbreak.com)