Premium Phone Cases & Accessories for Smart Devices – AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (

Premium Phone Cases & Accessories for Smart Devices | Case-Mate {} }); // ensure Flow data is available to send to datalayer const conditionallyCallCallback = (callback) => { if (window.FlowStateData && && window.FlowStateData.cart) { callback(); } else { const interval = setInterval(() => { if (window.FlowStateData && && window.FlowStateData.cart) { callback(); clearInterval(interval); } }, 200); } }; const flowCheckoutSetup = () => { const body = document.querySelector(‘body’); body.classList.add(‘flow-checkout’); const goBackLink = document.querySelector(‘.application__header a’); goBackLink.innerHTML = “; }; const pushToDatalayer = (eventName, orderData = null) => { const dataLayerData = { ‘event’: eventName, ‘flowCart’: window.FlowStateData.cart, ‘flowCurrency’:, }; if (orderData) dataLayerData[‘flowOrderData’] = orderData; dataLayer.push(dataLayerData); }; Flow.set(‘on’, ‘ready’, () => { Flow.on(‘pageview.checkout_step_1’, function () { flowCheckoutSetup(); const callback = () => pushToDatalayer(‘Flow Checkout Step 1’); conditionallyCallCallback(callback); }); Flow.on(‘pageview.checkout_step_2’, function () { flowCheckoutSetup(); const callback = () => pushToDatalayer(‘Flow Checkout Step 2’); conditionallyCallCallback(callback); }); Flow.on(‘pageview.checkout_step_3’, function () { flowCheckoutSetup(); const callback = () => pushToDatalayer(‘Flow Checkout Step 3’); conditionallyCallCallback(callback); }); Flow.on(‘pageview.checkout_thank_you’, function ({order}) { const callback = () => pushToDatalayer(‘Flow Checkout Complete’); conditionallyCallCallback(callback); }); }) ]]> arrow-rightCreated with Sketch.62000451-E5A8-4D53-9C9C-99CA334E157B@2x80DBCA04-D5D2-4C2F-AA21-C079CB73A0A88A92C1BA-C3AD-48AC-8034-6167396F66BBAA28C8C4-A7AD-48CF-9C3A-B51596B64521@2x0137F936-0B51-4FCA-A934-AC24EEE04905@2×1 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 PathCreated with Sketch.PathCreated with Sketch.69CD96FC-C00B-4DFB-8DE3-93926786ADDEF3329BBC-F37C-4451-877B-9653180AF287@3xCreated with sketchtool.00350F22-F946-4812-AF3A-98ACFBBCFACDACC667C6-3890-4843-BC1E-0F965AC8B63384063AAD-9878-4919-A386-D7CF201CF7E4@3xCreated with sketchtool.255E1533-21D1-4D4C-89E3-BCB8A8C12DB2@2x98DF2797-38FF-4354-8A6A-3BE55B364A5F@2x8F90AD5C-F596-4A65-B71C-D5C882EEA494@3xCreated with sketchtool.userCreated with Sketch. Skip to main content { const emailForm = document.getElementById(’email_signup’); if (window.KlaviyoSubscribe && emailForm) { KlaviyoSubscribe.attachToForms(‘#email_signup’, { hide_form_on_success: true, extra_properties: { $source: ‘$embed’, $method_type: “Klaviyo Form”, $method_id: ’embed’ } }); clearInterval(interval); } }, 1000); ]]> -1 || url.indexOf(‘order’) > -1) { __bva__products = []; var transactionData = { ‘transactionNumber’ : null, ‘transactionId’ : null, ‘transactionAffiliation’ : “Case-Mate”, ‘transactionCurrency’ : “USD”, ‘transactionTotal’ : Number(), ‘transactionTax’ : Number(), ‘transactionShipping’ : Number(), ‘transactionSubtotal’ : Number(), ‘products’: __bva__products, }; if (url.indexOf(‘thank_you’) > -1) { baseEvent = transactionData; baseEvent.pageType = ‘Transaction’; baseEvent.event = ‘Transaction’; } if (url.indexOf(‘order’) > -1) { baseEvent = transactionData; baseEvent.pageType = ‘Order Status’; baseEvent.event = ‘Order Status’; } } /* DATALAYER: Checkout */ /* DATALAYER: Template-Specific Events */ dataLayer.push(logState); dataLayer.push(baseEvent); /* DATALAYER: All Pages */ dataLayer.push({ ‘event’: ‘DataLayer Loaded’ }); }()); ]]>
AppleTV 4 Jailbreak (